Saturday, November 15, 2008

We DID it and we Rocked...

The 71 way world record is in the House the formation flown on the 5th jump was a perfect formation. The record might not be a formation exactly as any other, but everyone were in there assigned slot. And the formation was flown  by the best wingsuters in the world.. no doubt about that.. This is the first attempt of its kind so there will be a lot of talk around what the standards is for a record like this. The Grid thing is not possible to do in real life try to do that with a RW formation I think it will take quiet some time for them to do also.. n669411681_1464304_3607

But in any things that is good there is also bad things on the 3th jump we landed downwind and mu canopy got caught in my smoke bracket and burned holes in the 2 outbd cells of my 70 jump new canopy. That sucks bigtime. BUT it is not as bad as it sounds. I Called Performance Designs after the accident and got a hold in Morten Berg. He immediately ran to he's Car and and picked up he's private velocity 96 and shipped it to me. If that's not world class service I don't know what that should be.DSC00341

Kenneth that have been my rigger, driver, jump/drinking buddy again on this trip  saved my ass again and let me borrow he's canopy for the last jumps. He is also sending my damaged canopy to PD for repair.

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