Monday, November 17, 2008

Stupidity must be British

hmm yesterday someone had a chop on he's velo he said that he's slider got entangled in the lines. That's fair I would chop that one too. Then the first stupidity comes he is trying to swoop the pond in a tiny reserve, that resulted in a wet reserve canopy that need to dry before he can jump again.... then they find the canopy and the reason for the chop is clear... during a FAST installation of the RDS slider he install it with a line through the cable so it is locked at the cascade point of he's lines. But what when you are in a hurry things go fast and you make mistakes..

Most of the competitors have arrived its clear to see that the ones that have been her for a while is the serious ones PD / US team the Aussie's, Swedish and some more.

My training is really helping and I am very glad I have been here for some time. The weather is very shifting for every jump and today with high winds there have been a lot of zeros among the new jumpers. This morning I got the Velo 96 that Morten Pedersen from PD send me a day earlier than expected. The most helpful staff here in SA called Fedex and arranged to speed up the customs. A very nice girl working in manifest offered me to pick it up at the fedex central in Johannesburg. I got to practice in the canopy all day today and that's been really good. But I couldn't have been without the canopy I borrowed from Kenny G so I am very grateful for the help I got after I burned my canopy on the smoke in Elsinore ... 

Tomorrow we can only train till 13 after that the opening ceremony is starting and after that it's all  serious stuff  but I am looking forward to the competition.

My expectations so far is to be close to the 35 best but that might be a high goal with the quality of the jumpers here. But I will try to play safe and get all the gates, that is my primary goal but I know its a difficult goal with the weather we have down here..

We were supposed to bring the Danish flag down here ,but due to Peter not coming and Jacob working for Paul Potts all last month and traveling directly down here. We didn't have any flag. we called the Danish embassy to hear if they had a spare we could borrow. Denmark now have the biggest flag here so we are able to represent Denmark in a proper manner

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