Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 4 AFF eval jumping

well now I have better time and battery. Wednesday was practice jumping with our examiners but as realistic as possible.

We made 3 jumps with 2 instructors  and and 3 jumps with 1 instructor. We had both students that was flying good but needed a lot of correction and help at pull time, but we also has the opposite with students “PeterK” that was falling like a brick and needed help to get stable.. This was really good practice and actually pretty funny flying. But i must say that it is hard having 6 students a day that need 110 % attention.

I finished off the day with a 4 way hop n pop in 7000 feet and flying some relative flying with Bundy Kim and another canopy flyer here. its a perfect way to end a day and with a 10 knot downwind i got to make a pretty loong superman on the grass here in Perris. After we got home to the house both Thomas and I passed out in our room. Great but tiring day.

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