Sunday, April 13, 2008

I fucked up and only came in second.. lesson learned.

The speed precision competition is now over I only came in second because I had to play smart ass on jump no 2 instead of  playing it safe I made a 450 turn too far away and got a 10 point score. The wind made it impossible to finish more than 4 rounds and I scored 1, - 10, - 1, - 0. But lesson learned there is a time to play around and a time to compete. And the time to fool around I found on the last jump yesterday, where I made a superman on the grass in front of some of the classic Precision guys. Some of them meant it was a waste of shoes dragging them on the ground like that......


Viborg (haralds) 007a  

Skyswoopers in Belgium is the next event I am going to attend. We are leaving Denmark Tuesday morning so we can be fresh for the training jumps Wednesday..

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