Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And the winner is.......MEEE...

At the DFU open competition held at Maribo this weekend I attended the second speed precision competition this year. And this time I waited with my show off landings till the end of the competition where I couldn't loose no matter what I did. But I scored pretty fine anyway and had a total of 160 cm and almost 27 meters to the second place. so I guess the competition wasn't that hard there was only 4 other competitors in that class but any way....I WON wheeeee


Besides the competition I don't know why but I ended up packing for 2 video guys for the FS competition and 2 of the jumpers while I still had to pack and jump my own Canopy. So I was pretty busted at the end of the day. Maybe that's also the reason I had a hard time standing straight and talk right at the end of the night. Or maybe it was something else?????


While packing I also made a new packer. Tina Ellingsgaard packed here student canopy all day long for 3 days and is now allowed to pack here own canopy. "Don't tell the video guy DW that Tina packed he's Velocity 84 2 times" But I heard no complaints so I guess they was approved.