Sunday, September 28, 2008

Its been a while

A lot have happen since I wrote last. I arranged the Danish  swoop nationals and I got 2. place in accuracy and 6. overall because I missed 2 gates in distance. Shit happens.

I also attended the EST in Bussloo Holland it was my first real comp and I was there to learn finished 16 out of 23 made 3 zeros so it was no where near my normal standards. again shit happens.

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In between all this Jesper and Maria got married and it was a great wedding actually I have newer seen so meany skydivers dressed up so nicely at one time.


Next week I am going to Swartberg for the last European swoop comp the weather here in Denmark haven't been swoop friendly so there haven't been much training for this event but we will show up on Friday morning and hope to get some jumps in.


But when its not swoop weather its usually Weather for something else and Tandems I one of them so I have been jumping tandems every weekend the last 3 weeks making some bucks and making a lot of people happy that's the best part of  jumping tandems you take a person with you up the plane that's a little nervous and when we land they are completely changed and happy.

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Wingsuiting I just got my new Xwing from Birdman a prototype wingsuit with big wings really big wings the first flight the leg wing was flapping like crazy so I went to my sewing machine and started modifying the suit and now the suit is flying pretty well i still would like to have more air pressure in the arm wings but i think its fine by now.


The Upcoming event in Elsinore is the next goal after Swartberg we are going to try to build a 71 way wingsuit formation. so I will be going to Perris 1 of November to do a week of swoop training after this i am headed for Elsinore with Benny and Mette for the record attempt. As soon as the attempt is over I am flying directly to south Africa for the World championships in swooping. I will have a few days training there before the comp and I guess that's needed because the elevation of the DZ is 4000 feet above sea level. So it will take a little adapting to get used to the higher altitude.  But I am so looking forward for this trip 26 days with no work just swooping and wingsuiting that cant be much better... World championships

Ohh almost forgot i also made 8 belly jumps this year that makes it 15 totally the last 4 years. But I was invited to join the Danish 60 way record attempt organized by Kate cooper I was at my spot every time but that didn't help the record that ended up as a 58 way with 2 out as the best.  Must say Kate is a very impressive organizer. She sees everything it was actually quiet fun attending  in the big way and seeing all the poor trackers we have here in Denmark or maybe I am just good Muahahhhaaaaa.
